Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31,2010

It often seems as if there is always a new spiritual, self help book or leader bringing to us a "NEW" way of seeing ourselves on our spiritual journey, a new way to look at how we are connecting with Spirit, a new way of bringing ourselves closer to our higher expression. . Often this new wisdom is based on an older wisdom that is repackaged and reformatted for contemporary application. I have always been curious about old wisdom. I mean really old, before Christianity, before the Buddha, before Islam, before the Goddess traditions, the Celts or the druids. Where did it start? What was the focus of the earliest belief systems. Were they cohesive, were these ideals primitive or did they evoke a more sophisticated expression of relating with our Creator.

In the book "The Secret Doctrine" by H.P. Blavatsky, she explains that there exists one primeval, universal Wisdom. Now this gets my attention. Here is a part of what she says. "The Secret Doctrine was the universally diffused religion of the ancient and prehistoric world. Proof of its diffusion, authentic records of its history, a complete chain of documents, showing its character and presence in every land, together with the teaching of all its great adepts, exist to this day in the secret crypts of libraries belonging to the occult fraternity. (page xxxiv)

The word Occult here is defined as; matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or super normal powers or some secret knowledge of them. As an adjective it is defined as; not revealed, hidden from view.

Imagine that documents still exists to this day about a universal religion. If indeed it was universally accepted, what happened to it? Blavatsky explains that the documents were secreted away to keep them from the profane but promises that it will re-appear when the time is right and people are again ready to receive it.

This is the stuff movies are made of. Does some knowledge exist that is so powerful that it needed to be protected from novices who may misuse or mishandle it . When will the time come when we are ready?

There are so many ideas about our current spiritual state of being that it is hard to understand or consider them all. I think that one theme common to many schools of thought is that we are being prepared as a planet for some shift to occur. There is talk of polar shifts, certain planetary alignments, Mayan calendars, Hopi prophesy, Nostradamus predictions and many more ideas that promise change. There isn't a promise of exactly what will come. Just that it is coming soon and we must prepare. The question that nags me is just what does any of this have to do with me?

Frankly, I am frustrated that I cannot get a clear understanding of what is mine to do or know. Do I become a vegetarian? How much should I be meditating? Should I try drumming or chanting? What is the most effective kind of incense to burn. Can I pray to a Mother/ Father God? What about the Jesus conversation? What is the way to connect most closely to the Creator?

I have tried being still ( which is certainly one of the most difficult things for me to do) and waiting for my guidance. I have asked pointedly for direction. I don't know where to settle myself.

Perhaps the journey for me is in the discovery. I love the discussion of spiritual themes. I want this to be the focus of my conversations. I don't really know if I would like to be "sure" of all the answers I need. I want the banter and searching and the excitement that I feel when I come across something new.

I am working my way very slowly through both volumes of The Secret Doctrine. At around 800 pages each it will be a while but I will share what I find. I will continue in my quest for knowledge and enlightenment . I would love to hear from anyone who has read these volumes and wants to share. Namaste Donna


  1. Look into G.I. Gurdjieff or P.D.Ouspensky if you are looking for something that hasn't been repackaged or reinvented. They taught a system or way of life that has been under the radar for thousands of years. In other words Esoteric teachings. A good place to start is Ouspensky's "The Fourth Way" to get an Idea of it. It may seem like a "no-brainer" when you first read it but it may just resonate with you as well.

  2. Howdy,

    At this time what I believe is that,knowing or unknowing all is sacred, Godstuff. I believe keeping very simple keeps one closer to the door of heaven. In the Tao te Ching, the first 37 sonnets are of the inner self, 38 and onward are of our respects for the working of our outterself into this world. The same mechanism is instilled into all of life, the same transformational force is released at the end of the life cycle. meaning a chipmunk has the very same potential as yourself at seeing the beauti of the Gawd transition of passing homeward back into the infinate ocean of the universal plasma of light "the causal ocean" The keys to this ever present yet never exhauted source lay with in each soul and atom, these keys are free to all, yet few understand how simple and honest the asking needs to be. The Door starts when all outer stimulations end even that of outer sound and any internal mantra hinders finer grouth of fusion and intergration with the "All that is". Within the minds eye is the begining of a higher and higher frequency of sound that leads onward into an omnidirectional expansion of the little self merging back into the alpha/omega. Who can make themselves like a newborn, who can shut down thier energy loss into the earthly realm. who can let this subtle force accumulate. who can be still as GOD the resonate frequency of the most infinate self. Know "one".

    A friend
