Monday, March 29, 2010

Alchemy12 March 29,2010

Hello and welcome to Alchemy 12.

This is a blog devoted to a spiritual conversation. It is conversation of my spiritual journey. A search if you will. A search for the truth as it reveals itself to me. I am a student of Spirit. I don't claim to have any answers or special enlightenment. I do however have questions, lots and lots of questions. I am guided by something that I don't understand, but trust . I trust the threads of information that slip into my life independent from any effort on my part. I sense a calling, a pulling. I am thrilled by this part of my life. It has been so exciting to feel the pull of my soul, the racing of my heartbeat whenever I heed this calling. The excitement that fuels my quest is I knowing I am on point and going in the right direction, when information comes my way and resonates as truth for me. It could be a book, a speaker, more often than not it is just a knowing, a guidepost showing me over and over that I am indeed on my perfect path. The synergy of thought and inspiration compelling me to forage the vast network of spiritual insights shows me that I truly am being guided.

Honoring one's true calling is sometimes complicated. There is a lot of noise identifying itself as " my calling." The god of my youth still fights for attention. While I know that this is not the truth for me, but an old way of being in the world, it is still a loud voice in my ear. There is the nagging question: what if I am wrong? The old list of; right and wrong, good and evil, truth and lies, does and don'ts, didn't guide ,but bullied me into a world of parameters that were unreasonable and confusing.

The process of discovery hasn't always been easy. I have often had to quiet the fear inside that I might make a big mistake in my beliefs and end up suffering for all of eternity. As I uncover more and more of what is truth for me I know that fear is just a distraction. If I spend time in inertia because I don't know if I am "doing it right" then I am not heeding the truth that is always trying to break through my doubts.

I want this blog to be about the exploration of the places I have been guided to as a spiritual seeker, hence the name Alchemy. An alchemist is a spiritual seeker, one who also is about transformation. Turning base metal into gold has been the aim of the Alchemist. The gold being my own metaphor for the shining truth for my life. I hope that you will participate in this conversation with me. Nothing is out of line except for discord. I am not an apologist or an evangelist. Again I am a seeker. Namaste. Donna


  1. Donna, you are magnificent. I see you. I love you. And I can't wait to read more!!

  2. Donna, I miss you greatly my spiritual buddy! I am so very excited you have started this blog and look forward to reading more. I hope you are well.

    Love, Traci
